Heating in Gardner, Texas

How to Save Costs on Your Energy Bill During These Winter Storms in Texas

Do you want to save costs on your energy bill? Electricity is already pretty pricey in the state of Texas, due to insulation issues. However, these cold winter months are a different breed. With the giant winter storm last February, people’s electricity bills went through the roof. This February, we have experienced two winter storms and there’s most likely more to come. How do you avoid spending hundreds of dollars on your next electricity bills? Ellis Air Conditioning and Heating has listed a couple of tips to help you save costs on your energy bill. 

Common Areas of Heat Loss

In order to save costs on your energy bill, you need to know how to prevent heat loss in your house. Certain areas of your home allow the heated air to escape and cold air to seep in. Crevices and cracks are some examples, as well as windows, doors, fireplaces, roofs, walls, and power outlets. You can lose up to one quart of your home’s heat through these small openings.

Close Unused Rooms

If there are rooms in your home that you don’t use, close the doors. There is no need to heat up the rooms that no one is occupying. You should also close off the vents in those unused rooms, so that warm air from the ducts doesn’t travel to them. Tuck a towel at the base of the door for the most effective sealing.

Wear Warm Clothes

A great way to save costs on your energy bill is to bundle up at home. Use your sweaters and long-sleeved t-shirts to stay warm. The more clothes you wear, the less you need to crank up the heat in the winter. A pair of fuzzy socks will keep your feet warm, and the rest of your body warm as well.

Use the Sun’s Rays

Although the sun is scarce throughout the winter, it does occasionally show up. Use the sun’s rays to heat up your home. Open up the shades, curtains, or blinds during the day and keep them closed at night.

Turn the Thermostat Down

Just by lowering the thermostat a couple of degrees makes a huge difference. Did you know that lowering it by 10 degrees can help you save up to 10% annually? That’s right. So be generous with the degrees you lower and bundle up! The best times to lower your thermostat are right before you go to bed and right before you leave to work. There is no need to have the heater on when no one is home or when you are sleeping.

Ellis Air Conditioning and Heating Has Your Back

If your heating system breaks down in the middle of these winter storms, get in touch with Ellis Air Conditioning and Heating. Our team has been providing HVAC solutions to the Dallas-Fort Worth area since 1975. There isn’t a problem we haven’t seen and fixed. Our experts are also on call for regular maintenance and complete replacements. Let us repair your heating system quickly, so you can ride out these winter storms comfortably in your home.

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