Hot Tips for Staying Cool During a Texas Summer

Texas heat can be brutal, which means we all want to try and stay cool. Ellis Air Conditioning and Heating is here for all of your indoor heating and cooling needs, all summer long.

Outdoor Tips

Even though it’s hot, we all have to go outside at some point.  Make sure you are prepared. 

  • If possible, avoid being outside during the hottest hours of the day – usually noon to 7pm.
  • Wear lightweight protective clothing, including a hat. Make sure your clothes are breathable and light in color.
  • Drink plenty of water! Don’t allow yourself to get thirsty. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Drink water all day, not just when you are outside.
  • Seek out shade whenever possible.
  • Have cooling rags or damp cloths to help cool you down.

Indoor Tips

Texas heat can mean higher energy costs, but there are a few ways to help keep them down.

  • Keep your HVAC system well maintained with Ellis Air Conditioning and Heating. We will make sure your unit is working effectively and efficiently. 
  • Make sure the area around your outside unit is free of debris. Keep grass and branches cut around the unit. This allows the unit to run efficiently. 
  • Keep your thermostat temperature constant. Changing the temperature every time you leave actually causes the unit to work harder, thus causing your bill to be higher. An average temperature of 75 is best.
  • Change your air filter regularly. Read the recommended time on your filter package.
  • Block sunlight from coming in your windows by using blinds and/or curtains. Windows that face west or south will bring in the most heat. Consider heat blocking curtains for these windows. 
  • Turn on fans. They help circulate air in the room. Fans are cheaper to run than the air conditioner, and they help you feel cooler.
  • Hot bulbs can heat up your home. There are options to light your home with bulbs that create less heat. Fluorescent, LED, and lower wattage bulbs will use less power and still give you the light that you need.
  • Use a dehumidifier inside your home to cut down on the amount of moisture. Less humidity means you will feel cooler. 
  • If you have a clean, finished basement, blow the cooler air from downstairs up into the main floor.
  • Don’t use the oven to cook on those extremely hot days. Fire up your grill and cook your meat and veggies outside. 
  • If possible, air dry your dishes instead of running the dishwasher everyday. Your utility bill (and house temperature) will thank you.
  • Do laundry early in the morning or in the evening. You should consider hanging your laundry up to dry during the day. This will keep your energy costs down and keep you from having to use your dryer and filling your house with unnecessary heat. If you must use your dryer, put it on right before bed so that the heat will be gone by morning.
  • While it might be difficult to plant trees, bushes and other plants can help block direct sunlight that heats up your home. These will take a few years to mature, but will be worth it in the end.

Contact Ellis Air Conditioning and Heating Today

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experienced HVAC technicians will give your system the high-quality service it needs to keep you cool during the long, hot Texas summer. 

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