Keeping Your HVAC Working During Your Holiday Party

During this time of year, it’s very likely that you’ll have a large group of friends or family over to your home at least once. Whether you’re planning a festive holiday party, or simply getting together for a laid back Christmas movie marathon, you’ll want to plan to utilize your AC settings accordingly. To help you optimize your airflow with the least amount of heat loss or wasted power, Ellis Air Conditioning and Heating is here to walk you through some good practices for you to put in place when you’re getting ready to throw your next holiday party.

Have Your HVAC Inspected Before Your Plans

The last thing you want to run into during a holiday party is the realization that your system needs to be repaired. Before stuffing your house full of people, have one of our experts come up to your house to ensure that everything is in working order. No matter what the weather is outside, having a working HVAC system is crucial to hosting an enjoyable holiday party.

Dust And Remove Any HVAC Obstacles 

To make sure your party has the most enjoyable air quality, you should make sure to dust your home prior to your guest’s arrival. This will prevent any unseemly particles from getting blown around your guests’ faces and make your entire house smell more like your holiday candles and less like the inside of your air vent. It will also help your air vent work more efficiently since it won’t be attempting to process all those dust particles as your HVAC runs.

Making sure bigger objects around the room are positioned away from the air conditioning system will help airflow as well. Make sure your chairs, tables, and festive decorations are all in place away from your vents to ensure optimal performance during your holiday party. Giving your HVAC a clear point of access to the air in the room will help circulate the air without letting it feel stale.

Utilize The Outside Weather

If the weather outside is frightful, you can take advantage of the natural cold to help cool down your party. Opening a window or two will help lower the temperature without putting to much demand on your AC unit, and when a room is full of people, every degree counts. If you underestimate the number of people coming over, or overestimate the coziness of setting your home’s temperature a little higher than normal, inviting some outdoor air inside is an easy way to balance out the temperature immediately. 

However, leaving the doors open and gathering around the fireplace might be a little extreme: remember, using your air conditioning unit helps improve the air quality and control the humidity in your home. Take advantage of the natural air conditioning, but pair it with the unit already running in your home.

Call Ellis Air Conditioning And Heating

Before you plan your holiday parties this year, call in a professional to double check your system and ensure your home is party ready. Ellis Air Conditioning And Heating is here to help, and we can give you an expert assessment in no time. If you do require repairs, we’ll get those started as soon as possible so you can get back to planning your holiday party!

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